Vintage postcard showing the old NYSE trading floor of the old building demolished in 1901. Original title: "Interior New York Stock Exchange". Published by E. Frey & Company.

After the War of Independence (1775-1783), a group of brokers entered into an agreement in 1792 and laid the foundation for the New York Stock Exchange. The institution, formally organized in 1817. The NYSE moved to this old building in 1865 and traders worked in it until April 1901, then it was demolished. The cornerstone of the new building was laid on September 9 and it was completed in April 1903.

Since 2007, all NYSE stocks can be traded via its electronic hybrid market. Customers can send orders for immediate electronic execution.


Interior New York Stock Exchange - about 1901





New York Stock Exchange


Stock Exchange Interior Architecture


Trading Floor NYSE


New York Stock Exchange


Old NYSE trading floor


NYC Stock Exchange


JP Morgan NY







Interior New York Stock Exchange - about 1901



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Old City New York