Chinatown - New York City


The New York City's Chinatown is a neighborhood in Manhattan with high concentration of Chinese and other Asian immigrants. It is the largest Chinatown in the United States. Here you can find some of the Chinese culture, its cuisine, events, monuments, architecture and shops.


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Travel New York City.


New York City

United States




Shopping NYC


NY Chinatown


East Broadway in Chinatown neighborhood with the Municipal Building in the distance (credit: Brittany Petronella / NYC & Company).


The predominant architecture in Chinatown is the late 19th through early 20th century buildings, specially tenement buildings buildings, which are predominantly flat-roofed and square with small often windowless apartments. The buildings had fire escapes which the residents would sleep on during the hot summer months.

There are also Federal and Greek Revival townhouses, factories, loft buildings, club houses, former stables, churches, and schools.


NYC parks


Chinatown street


Celebration of the Lunar New Year in Chinatown (credit: Walter Wlodarczyk / NYC & Company).


Bridges NYC


Pell Street vintage photo


Wall Street


Times Square


Theater NYC


Empire State Building






Pell Street in Chinatown (photo at right: Christopher Postlewaite / NYC & Company, below, Julienne Schaer).


Map Lower Manhattan


Winter NYC


Statue Liberty NYC



Ellis Island


Chinatown - New York City










Central Park



Chinatown images












Bethesda Fountain