Airships over Midtown Manhattan - 1931


Aerial photograph of Midtown Manhattan, looking west, dated April 15, 1931. Three airships (U.S. Navy blimps ZMC-2, J-3 and some other) fly over New York City. Source: Mitchel Field, Records of the Army Air Forces / U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

The U.S. Navy J-3 first flew on 12 October, 1926, and it was lost on April 4, 1933. The U.S. Navy ZMC-2 (Zeppelin Metal Clad 200,000 cubic foot capacity) was the only successfully operated metal-skinned airship ever built. It operated from 1929 to 1941.

Part of the New Jersey coastline is seen at the top of the image across the Hudson River. The Empire State Building in the center, opened about two weeks this photo was taken. Chrysler Building is on the right. Madison Square is on the left.

Midtown Manhattan has been a NYC's major business center since the early 20th century, after the first subway line opened in 1904, crossing Times Square.




Aerial Views of NYC




Old Times Square



Midtown Manhattan 19th century


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NYC Central Park


Airships over Midtown Manhattan - 1931


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