New Amsterdam or New York - 1673

Allegory of New Amsterdam or New York in America. Original title: N. Amsterdam, ou N. Iork in Ameriq~. On the left, colored engraving published about 1700 by Pieter Mortier (French/Dutch, 1661 - 1711), whose signature on the copperplate engraving appears as "P. Mortier, cum Privil". The City of New York is represented based on the Restitutio View of 1673, with some differences (enlargement below). The Restitutio View was drawn to celebrate the recapture of the city by the Dutch in August 1673. The Treaty of Westminster was signed in 1674, giving the official ownership of Manhattan to the English.

The drawing upon which engraving on the left is based is on the right in reverse, made by unidentified artist (Dutch, active 17th century), apparently executed by Pieter Mortier about 1700. It was drawn with brown and black ink and wash with red chalk, white lead pigment, black chalk, and tracing impressions from a stylus on ivory paper, inlaid into a larger sheet.

Source of both drawings: New-York Historical Society Library.




N Iork


Engraving New Amsterdam


NYC in the 17th Century


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 17th Century NYC. Historic Maps.




City New York NY


Maps of NYC 17th Century


City New York



Niew Neerlandt map






New York 17th century


New Amsterdam or New York - 1673


17th Century NYC