View of Fort George with the City of New York


18th century New York



NYC in the 18th Century



18th century buildings


Historical map NY 1789


Original title: A View of Fort George with the City of New York from the S.W. (dated 1740 on the print). Hudson River is in the foreground. An early version of this illustration was published about 1736 (see enlargement below). Year depicted between 1731 and 1736. The hand colored image above was originally published in the 18th century and reprinted for the D.T. Valentine's Manual for 1858.

At the time, New York ranked as the third largest city in the British colonies in North America, being exceeded in size by both Boston and Philadelphia. In 1732, the estimated number of inhabitants of New York was only 8,624.

Below, enlargement of the central part of the image engraved by John Carwitham (1736). The buildings are numbered from one (first temple of Trinity Church) to eight (Church in the fort). Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.


More: Historical maps of New York City


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 18th Century NYC.


City New York


New Amsterdam


New York City Waterfront


8 - Church in the fort


New York 18th century


Year depicted between 1731 and 1736


English Colonial City


Rural Manhattan




6 - Old Dutch Church on Garden Street




1 - Trinity Church


5 - City Hall


View of Fort George with the City of New York


3 - New Dutch Church


7 - Secretary's Office


18th century NYC


4 - French Église du Saint Esprit


2 - Lutheran Church