New York City - 1851


Bird's eye view of New York City, looking northwest. Original title: Souvenir of New York. Text on print: Drawn from nature & on stone by J. Bornet. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1851 by J. Haasis, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of N.Y. Published by Powell & Haasis, New York. Printed by David McLellan. Source: I. N. Phelps Stokes Collection of American Historical Prints / The New York Public Library. Below, enlargements of the part of Manhattan.

This is on of the earliest views of this kind, showing New York in perspective view from a very high point. It was possibly taken from a balloon. This first known view NYC of this kind was published in 1850 and drawn by John Bachmann.

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New York City 1851



19th century Lower Manhattan


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 19th Century NYC. Historic Buildings.


This view shows the Fraunces Tavern with its design prior to the fire of June 1852. It is not the original design, but is similar to the building that was remodeled in 1907, seeking to reflect the architecture of the original tavern.

The Governors Island is erroneously positioned further north at the entrance to the East River.


19th century maps of NYC


Midtown Manhattan


Manhattan NYC


East River, Brooklyn & Manhattan


Downtown Manhattan


New York City 1877


Tip Manhattan


Bird's Eye View


Historical maps NYC


New York City - 1851



NY 19th Century