Old Times Building, Printing House Square - about 1874


The old Times Building seen from the Printing House Square, with the Benjamin Franklin Monument (unveiled in 1872) in front. Nassau Street is on the left. Photograph attributed to Peter F. Weil (active New York, 1860s-1870s). Source: Getty Museum collection.

Park Row is on the right and the spire of St. Paul Chapel is seen in the distance. The Post Office Building was under construction (on the right), which started in 1869. The Post Office moved from its old premises at Nassau Street to the new building on City Hall Park in the summer of 1875, before it was fully completed.

This photo can be dated between 1873, when the Bennett Building, seen in the distance on Nassau Street, between Fulton and Ann streets, was completed and the summer of 1875.

This five-story Times Building was completed in 1858. Here, it housed the Patent Office, O Novo Mundo (in Portuguese), the George P. Powell & Co. 's American Newspaper Advertising Agency and other offices.

The Park Hotel on the corner of Nassau and Beekman streets, is on the extreme left. The building was the headquarters of the New-York Daily Times (former name of the New York Times), from 1854 to 1858.



Printing House Square


Printing House Square



Skyscrapers NYC


The New York Times building NY


Newspapers NY


New York Times


Bennett Building


Old City New York


Times Building Printing Office


Old Times Building, Printing House Square - about 1874


Copyright © Geographic Guide - Old Buildings of NYC. Historic Building.