Map Republic of Texas and United States - 1837


Historical map of the United States of America, Republic of Texas, Republic of Mexico and Oregon in 1837, also showing Free States, Slave States. Source: McConnell's Historical Maps of the United States, 1919 / Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C.

TexasText that accompanies this map: Texas was settled by many Americans. It accepted the Mexican government when Mexico became independent in 1821. The settlers considering some laws unjust declared themselves an independent Mexican province in 1833. War followed, and 1n 1836 Texas declared herself independent. Two of the important engagements in the war were the Massacre of Alamo and the battle of San Jacinto. Texas claimed as a boundary to the mouth of the Rio Grande, up the Rio Grande to its source. Mexico claimed to the Nueces River.

Oregon was then a large region of the Pacific Northwest of North America that was subject to a long dispute between the United Kingdom and the United States in the 19th century. In 1848, the U.S. portion of the Oregon Country was formally organized as the Oregon Territory.

The U.S. Government used treaties as one means to displace Indians from their tribal lands, a mechanism that was strengthened with the Removal Act of 1830, which provided "for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal east of the river Mississippi".


Republic of Texas





Territorial Acquisitions USA


US Map Missouri Compromise



Texas map


Historical Maps of USA


Map British Provinces North America


Copyright © Geographic Guide - 18th Century, American Continent. Historical Maps USA.


Map Republic of Texas and United States - 1837


Indian Tribes


Maps United States