The Strand, now Whitehall Street, Residence of Jacob Leisler - 17th Century



The Strand



Original Title: No. 1 The residence of Jacob Leisler on "the Strand" (now Whitehall Street, N.Y.), the first Hand brick dwelling erected in the City. Hand-colored, 19th century lithograph. Source: New York Public Library, with note: "wood engraving, after Alfred Fredericks, The trainbands signing Leisler's declaration". Fredericks was active between 1853 and 1907, died 1926.


Jacob Leisler (1640-1691) was a German-born colonist who served as a colonial governor of New York, from 1688 to 1691. Leisler and his son-in-law, Milbourne, were hanged for treason in 1691. He had owned the two houses, numbers 25 and 26. Mary Gouverneur, the widow of Milbourne, sold the premises in 1747 to Myndert Schuyler and Adam Dobbs.

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The Strand, now Whitehall Street, Residence of Jacob Leisler - 17th Century


17th Century NYC