New York Skyline - 1908


Skyline of Manhattan and its skyscrapers in 1908 by Geo. P. Hall & Son (copyright deposit September 23, 1908). The tallest skyscraper is the Singer Building, erected from 1906 to May 1908. The last building on the right is the Washington Building, opened in 1884, in Bowling Green. On the left we can see some buildings on Park Row. This photo was possibly taken from Jersey City. Source: Library of Congress.


Skyline NYC


Antique photos of NYC





Boston merchants line


Hudson River


New York 1900






Enlargement of the part with Boston Merchants Line, with Trinity Church among skyscrapers.


New York Skyline images


Manhattan skyline


This is a wider skyline of Manhattan taken in the same year (1908) and by George P. Hall & Son too. Source: Library of Congress.


Manhattan photographs


Pier NY


NYC Skyscrapers


Broadway images


Skyline Manhattan


Enlargement of the part around Pier Nº 7, Balto. & Ohio R.R. (Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company).



Skyline Manhattan NYC






Manhattan 19th century






Enlargement of Pier 13, on the left, with Starin Transportation Lines.




New York Skyline - 1908






Copyright © Geographic Guide - Antique photographs of NYC.







Antique photographs