New York Skylines
Until the early 18th century the representation of urban landscapes was generally artistic. Later, the use of camera obscura and lenses allowed artists and engineers to take more technical views. Since the mid-19th century, photography has changed the way urban spaces are recorded.
Until the 1870s, the New York City skyline was dominated by the church spires, Trinity Church being the tallest. Manhattan skyline has changed a lot with de rise of skyscrapers in the late 19th century, especially in Southern Manhattan. In the early 20th century, most visitors to Manhattan had a vivid impression of the City through its skyscrapers.
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Historical Skyline Images of New York City
1718 - South Prospect of the City of New York, William Burgis
1727 - New York from Long Island by Henry Popple
1736 - View of Fort George, City of New York, John Carwitham
1642 - Novum Amsterodamum, New Amsterdam, early version
1746 - South Prospect of the City of New York, Burgis / Bakewell
1650 - Novum Amsterodamum, New Amsterdam by Laurens Block
1650 - Novum Amsterodamum, New Amsterdam, the Montanus View
1650 - Novum Amsterodamum, Arnoldus Montanus
1756-1761 - (East side) Southeast Prospect of the City of New York
1664 - Nieuw Amsterdam by Johannes Vingboons
1673 - Neu Jorck sive Neu Amsterdam, Matthaeus Seutter
1736 - View of Fort George with the City of New York
1760 - View of the City of New York from the Governors Island
1773 - View of New York from Northwest, from Atlantic Neptune
1776 - New York, Aftermath of the Great Fire by Robert Raymond
1783 - British Evacuation of New York by Robert Raymond
1793 - New York Harbor skyline, A. Robertson
1798 - (East side) New York from Brooklyn Heights, by Saint-Mémin
1800 - (East side) Skyline of New York from Long Island by John Wood
1806 - (West side) Prospect of the City of New York, Walter M. Aikman
1816 - Northern Tip of Manhattan from Governors Island
1823 - (East side) New York from Heights Near Brooklyn by John Hill
1823 - New York from Governors Island, by William Guy Wall
1836 - (East side) New York from Brooklyn Heights, after J. William Hill
1840 - (West side) Panoramic view of New York from Hudson River
1840 - (East side) View of New York from Brooklyn, Thomas Hornor
1844 - (East side) Southern Manhattan by Robert Havell
1848 - (East side) New York from Williamsburg, Foreman and Brown
1849 - (East side) New York from Brooklyn Heights by Fanny Palmer
1849 - (West side) New York from from Weehawken - North River by F. Palmer
1849 - (West side) New York from Jersey City, Nathaniel Currier
1850 - (East side) Bird's eye view of New-York & Brooklyn by John Bachmann
1850s - (East side) City of New York & Brooklyn from Williamsburg, J.F. Hesse
1855 - (East side) Lower Manhattan and East River by Charles Mottram
1856 - (East side) New York & Brooklyn from Williamsburg, by J.W.C. Williams
1876 - (East side) Manhattan Photographic Panorama by Joshua Beals
1896 - (East side) Skyline of Manhattan, by Charles Graham
1898 - Harbor of the City of New York, from Liberty Island, L. Graham
1900 - (West side) Manhattan Skyline, from Park Row to Bowling Green
1902 - (West side) Skyline of New York by Irving Underhill
1908 - (West side) Manhattan Skyline from Jersey City by Geo. P. Hall & Son
1910 - (West side) Manhattan Skyline from Jersey City, by Geo. P. Hall & Son
1921 - (West side) New York Skyline from Jersey City, by I. Underhill
Late 1920s - (West side) New York City from New Jersey
1931 - (East side) Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn, Irving Underhill
1931 - (West side) Midtown Manhattan, by Irving Underhill
1935 - Lower Manhattan from the Upper Bay
1964 - Skyline of Lower Manhattan, by Anthony Angel
1963-1970s - Midtown Skyline with United Nations
1978 - Skyline of Manhattan from Ellis Island
1973-1985 - Skyline of Manhattan from Governors Island
1990s - Skylines of Lower Manhattan with the WTC
2001 July - Skyline of Manhattan by Carol M. Highsmith
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Skyline of Midtown Manhattan in February 2019, from Hudson River. The Empire State Building is about the center of the image (credit: Julienne Schaer / NYC & Company).
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New York Skylines
The amazing view of Lower Manhattan, taken in February 2019 (credit: Julienne Schaer / NYC & Company).
The East River waterfront in 1849 by Fanny Palmer, with some notable buildings in the view, from Trinity Church, on the left, to City Hall, on the right.