Map of New York in 1695
Map of New York in 1695. Drawn in 1843 by G. Hayward after the plan attributed to John Miller. Published in the Valentine's Manual 1843.
The old New Amsterdam came under English control in 1664 and it was renamed New York after King Charles II of England granted the lands to his brother, the Duke of York. The same name was given to the English Province of New York.
Reverend John Miller (1666-1724) arrived in New York, in 1692, as a designated chaplain to the city's British garrison. He was the only Episcopal clergyman in the province for three years. In 1695, during his voyage back to England the ship was captured by French privateers and he threw his notes and drawings overboard so that they would not fall into the enemy's possession. After imprisonment in France he returned to England were he prepared a manuscript map of the city entirely from memory.
The map references are below.
Reference numbers on the map:
1 - The Chapel in the Fort of New York.
2 - Leysler's half moon [built August, 1689].
3 - Whitehall battery of 15 guns.
4 - The Old Dock.
5 - The Cage & Stocks.
6 - Stadthouse battery of 5 guns.
7 - The stadt (or State) house [Town-house].
8 - Custom House.
8 8 - The Bridge.
9 - Burghers or the slip battery of 10 guns.
10 - The fly blockhouse & half moon.
11 - The slaughter houses.
12 - The New Docks.
13 - The French Church.
14 - The Jews Synagogue.
15 - The Fort well & pump.
16 - Ellets Alley.
17 - The works on the west side of the City.
18 - The Northwest Blockhouse.
19 19 - The Lutheran Church & Ministers house.
20 20 - The stone points on the north side of the City.
21 - The Dutch Calvinist Church [Garden Street Church] built 1692.
22 - The Dutch Calvinist Ministers house.
23 - The burying ground.
24 - A Windmill.
25 - The Kings Farm.
26 - Col. Dungan's Garden.
27 27 - Wells.
28 - The plat of ground for the English Ministers house.
29 29 - The stockade with a bank of earth on the inside.
30 - The ground proper for the building of an English Church [later Trinity Church].
31 31 - Showing the sea flowing about N. York.
32 32 - The City gates.
33 - A postern gate.
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based on John Miller's Plan, references below.
Map of New York in 1695